Small Business United

Small Business,

Small Business United is a leadership circle of local business owners dedicated to serving the community where we all live, work, and play. 

Small Business | Big Impact

UWBC's Small Business United program is a leadership circle of local business owners dedicated to serving the community where we all live, work, and play. Small businesses play a critical role in maintaining a thriving local economy, and their partnership is equally critical to the success of UWBC, as we fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community.

Small Business United focuses on connecting small business owners who understand we can find sustaining solutions to our community’s toughest challenges through partnerships and the efficient mobilization of resources: time, talent, and treasure. 

Click the links below for more information about the value and benefits of a SBBI membership. 

By choosing to become an SBBI partner and amortizing your gift over 12 months, it is simple and affordable for your business to assume a place of leadership in the community. In turn, you will also be recognized as an individual Leadership Donor and as a United Way of Brazoria County Corporate Partner. 

Access Meaningful Benefits

Our program is designed to connect you with benefits to help your organization succeed while transforming your dollars into good in the community.

Recognition and brand exposure on our social media pages, website, newsletters and publications.

Volunteer and engagement opportunities to connect with the community and your team.

Access United Way events like our annual golf tournament, donor and volunteer recognition receptions & more!

What is the “ROI” of giving to Brazoria County United Way?

  • $1 given each week will fill a backpack of nutritional food for 20 students in need.
  • $2 given each week provides 1 month of therapy for a victim of child abuse.
  • $5 given each week provides 14 bags of comfort items for homeless veterans.
  • $10 given each week assist 8 families for their monthly water bill. 
  • $20 given each week will feed 77 families of 4 for an entire week.
  • 100% of your SBBI donation will stay in Brazoria County to help fund our Community Partner Programs.

Are you ready to join the Small Business United leadership circle? Click here to complete your membership enrollment today!

To learn more about Small Business United please email or call Casey Cowley, Community Engagement Manager, at or (979) 849-9402.

Small Business United Members

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